I have a dream... to be an actress!
Yonatan, one of our Talpiot community fellows, took two of the girls from the local Learning and Enrichment Center to meet well-known Israeli actress גאיה שליטא כץ - Gaia Shalita Katz!
Shaked and Emanuelle, aged 9 and 10, heard all about Gaia's path to becoming an actress, the hard work that goes into acting and what the experience is really like from the inside.
"This is a dream come true," Shaked said, "You are my role model. Whenever I reach a challenge in life I think of what your character would do."
"I Have a Dream" is one of Bakehila's projects that exposes kids to various fields and professionals in order to expand their horizons and teach them that they can do anything they put their minds to!