YS fellows 2015-16 say goodbye

"The best choice of my life was to do a Year of Service at Bakehila. I have no words to express how wonderful, educational and significant this experience was to me! Thank you to everyone who was a part of this amazing year, who will remain life-long friends and who have become a warm and loving family to me. Love you always and forever. " Gili Nachmani, Bakehila North Jerusalem commune, 2015-16.

"My Year of Service ended today, and it's still hard to believe that we built something so significant in less than a year. For over an hour I tried to think of a sentence to summarize the experience, but I can't. So i will simply wish that we will continue to love, laugh, cry, get angry, shout and forgive together, always together. I love you all, thank you for everything. I wish we could never be apart." Sacha Ginzburg, Bakehila Ginot Ha'ir Commune 2015-16.

"This year was the best thing I could have asked for: learning, giving, experiences that will remain forever engraved in my memory, amazing people to work with, and friends for life. Friends who I went through all of this with, and without noticing, became a family - The Katamon Family." Amit Mador, Bakehila Katamon commune, 2015-16.

"Love to one another, to all that we have been through... pure and simple love." Lotem Lofsky, Bakehila Talpiot commune, 2015-16.

"We aren't over, we are still together travelling, in denial about ending this amazing year together. No one will be able to tear us apart." Rotem Avioz, Bakehila Gilo commune, 2015-16.