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Katamon "Exit" Event

Check out the event video here!

In the heart of Katamonim, as the sun set on Jerusalem hills behind us and a breeze finally settled in on the hot summer afternoon, we celebrated.

We celebrated Yassu, a quirky pre-teen who now dreams of becoming a pilot and has begun his journey towards this exceptional goal.

We celebrated the sweet Eden, who now believes in herself and her ability to impact others.

We celebrated the newfound passion of Temasgen, who is doing all he can to perform at the top of his class so that he can achieve his dream one day of becoming a doctor.

We celebrated 9 year old Ruti, who finally got to sing on stage and wishes to pursue her musical talents.

We celebrated these children along with the 1,700 other students who now possess the tools and perspective needed to achieve their goals. We heard their stories, we watched their performances, and we celebrated them all.

We celebrated 101 talented year-of-service volunteers who dedicated an entire year of their lives enhancing others’.

We celebrated a community who embraced us as one of their own and is now standing poised to absorb responsibility and leadership.

We celebrated the drastic decrease in the school drop-out rate from 30% to 5%, and the 30% average increase in school grades in the Katamonim schools.

We celebrated the development of a powerful community council and the significant rise of parental involvement in their kids’ education.

To our partners and supporters, without you, none of this would have been possible. We celebrated you as well.

We celebrated our founders, אראל מרגלית - Erel Margalit and Debbie Maragalit, who had the vision and profound understanding that in order to truly raise up a city, you must empower its people.

We celebrated 11 solid years of accomplishments, growth, inspiration and transformation.

To mark the completion of our mission in the Katamonim community of southern Jerusalem, and together with over 200 community members, year of service alumni, students, families and community leaders, we celebrated.

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Bakehila - Leading Social Change

Registered not-for-profit in Israel 580394872

Hebron Rd. 24,  JVP Media Quarter, Jerusalem 91087, Israel, P.O.Box 8799


Bakehila's Mission: To break the cycle of poverty, empower disadvantaged communities and foster a network of young social leaders in Israel by promoting civic responsibility, equal opportunity and social mobility.

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